

Zoono Group Ltd continues to elicit a strong interest in the market at a time when most counters are under pressure amidst the spread of the coronavirus. The signing of a distribution agreement for the distribution of the company’s products is the talk of the town, given its potential impact on the company’s sales.

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China Distribution Agreement


The company has signed a distribution agreement with Eagle Health Holdings Limited. Under the terms of the agreement, Eagle Health will arrange for bulk importation of Zoono formulations to its wholly-owned pharmaceutical facility in Xiamen China. Eagle Health is also to carry out labeling, packaging, and distribution of the products into its channels.

Zoono Group has also granted Eagle Health exclusive distribution rights for its formulations that will have the renowned and trusted Eagle Logo. The distribution agreement is a big deal for Zoono Group as Eagle Health boasts a vast portfolio made up of more than 300 product stores and franchised stores throughout China. In addition, the company has a further 271 distribution partners set to place the products into a circa of more than 30,000 outlets across the country.

Zoono Products for Coronavirus

The signing of the distribution agreement coincides with the confirmation of test results that have shown Zoono Z-71 Microbe Shield is 99.99% effective against Covid-19.

(*Note – recognised surrogate of COVID-19)

Covid-19, also known as the coronavirus, continues to cause havoc around the world, having shown the ability to survive on the surface for up to 9 days.

The positive test results further demonstrate the ability of Zoono Group products to be part of the solution in combating the further spread of the coronavirus. Likewise, the company remains well-positioned to generate significant value as people around the world turn to its products as a way of avoiding contracting the virus.

Similarly, there is already unprecedented growing interest in the company’s technology and products as it continues to prove its effectiveness in combating further spread. Eagle Health is already receiving accelerated co-operation from local government in China that wants it to expand its pharmaceutical facilities and registrations for the delivery and distribution of Zoono products.

With Chinese authorities placing top priority on companies with products and services associated with combating and controlling coronavirus, Zoono Group stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries. The three-year distribution agreement will see Eagle Health purchase products worth NZ$1.5 million in the first 12 months set to increase to NZ$2.3 million in the second year and NZ$3.1 million in the third year.

The Chinese distribution agreement should help shore up the company’s bottom line. The company is fresh from reporting half-year results that show after-tax loss shrinking to NZ$727,944 compared to NZ$1.4 million reported year earlier.

The company’s global sales made up of both offline and online sales also continued to increase thanks to increased brand awareness of the company products. Operating revenue increased to $1 million due to increased orders. Likewise, the company has signed a distribution agreement poised to expand the company’s products reach into agriculture childcare as well as hotel sectors in China and Vietnam.”



“Zoono Group Limited (ASX:ZNO) shareholders will have a reason to smile today, with the covering analyst making substantial upgrades to this year’s forecasts. Consensus estimates suggest investors could expect greatly increased statutory revenues and earnings per share, with the analyst modelling a real improvement in business performance. Investors have been pretty optimistic on Zoono Group too, with the stock up 25% to NZ$1.87 over the past week. Could this upgrade be enough to drive the stock even higher?

Following the upgrade, the current consensus from Zoono Group’s sole analyst is for revenues of NZ$38m in 2020 which – if met – would reflect a substantial increase on its sales over the past 12 months. The losses are expected to disappear over the next year or so, with forecasts for a profit of NZ$0.067 per share this year. Previously, the analyst had been modelling revenues of NZ$25m and earnings per share (EPS) of NZ$0.044 in 2020. So we can see there’s been a pretty clear increase in analyst sentiment in recent times, with both revenues and earnings per share receiving a decent lift in the latest estimates.

See our latest analysis for Zoono Group

ASX:ZNO Past and Future Earnings May 11th 2020

It will come as no surprise to learn that the analyst has increased their price target for Zoono Group 12% to NZ$3.88 on the back of these upgrades.

One way to get more context on these forecasts is to look at how they compare to both past performance, and how other companies in the same industry are performing. The analyst is definitely expecting Zoono Group’sgrowth to accelerate, with the forecast 13x growth ranking favourably alongside historical growth of 137% per annum over the past year. By contrast, our data suggests that other companies (with analyst coverage) in a similar industry are forecast to grow their revenue at 6.5% per year. Factoring in the forecast acceleration in revenue, it’s pretty clear that Zoono Group is expected to grow much faster than its industry.

The Bottom Line

The most important thing to take away from this upgrade is that the analyst upgraded their earnings per share estimates for this year, expecting improving business conditions. They also upgraded their revenue estimates for this year, and sales are expected to grow faster than the wider market. Given that the consensus looks almost universally bullish, with a substantial increase to forecasts and a higher price target, Zoono Group could be worth investigating further.

Still, the long-term prospects of the business are much more relevant than next year’s earnings. We have analyst estimates for Zoono Group going out as far as 2022, and you can see them free on our platform here.

Another way to search for interesting companies that could be reaching an inflection point is to track whether management are buying or selling, with our free list of growing companies that insiders are buying.

If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at [email protected]. This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.

We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading.”





All parents will know the fun and games that are had when children are at home and you’re trying to keep everything clean, neat, and tidy. It can sometimes seem like an uphill struggle and one that will have been particularly challenging over the last few weeks as we have been living, homeschooling, and working together – all under one roof.

With the coronavirus crisis being at the front of mind for many, we understand if you’ve decided to step up your cleaning regime to kill all nasty bacteria on surfaces – and, of course, have been washing your hands regularly too.

We urge everyone to follow the advice from the NHS when carrying out your household clean. There are some great tips on the NHS website.

We also have a few additional pieces of advice to keep your little ones safely protected from germs around the home.


Children’s toys and games can be among the worst offenders for spreading germs as they are often moved around the house from room to room, spreading bacteria as they go.

For plastic or wooden toys, wash them in the sink with antibacterial washing up liquid or wipe them down with a surface sanitiser spray. Make sure they’re dry before putting them away, as most bacteria like to live on damp surfaces. Soft toys can then be cleaned in the washing machine at 60°c.


Many families focus on cleaning the countertops and kitchen surfaces but forget surfaces at a lower level. It’s important, especially for families with young children who will be touching skirting boards, floors, and cabinets, to get down and disinfect surfaces below knee level.


Door handles are one of the most touched items in the home, especially among busy families. Wipe down door handles on the inside and outside of your home every day with an anti-bacterial wipe to prevent germs from transferring from one person to another.


Use disposable wipes, rather than dishcloths whenever possible as germs can live in reusable cloths. If you only have dishcloths or reusable cloths available, wash them on a hot wash (60 degrees) after each use to kill germs.


Be sure to closely follow the NHS guidelines, including not touching your face and immediately washing your hands after handling dirty laundry.

Wipe down all surfaces that have come into contact with your clothes with an anti-bacterial spray or anti-bacterial wipe, including the floor, laundry basket and kitchen counter. Don’t forget to also wipe down anything you may have touched while doing the laundry, such as your washing powder and softener, plus the washing machine drawer.

Don’t leave clothes in the washing machine as this allows germs to multiply quickly. Clean the front and inside of your washing machine regularly. Finally, wash clothes straight away every time they are worn outside.


While our pets are an important part of the family, do be aware of the germs they can also spread around the home. Make sure that pet food dishes and utensils used to open pet food are all kept separately from human food and cutlery.

Be aware that when you stroke your animal, you need to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face, skin, or any other surfaces. It may be a perfect opportunity to also give Fido a bath to make sure there are no horrible germs living in his fur!


Mobile phones are among the most frequently handled thing we own, so can quickly gather nasties on the screen as we go about our day. In fact, Zoono research shows that most phones have an ATP reading – a measurement of the cleanliness of a surface – of over 500.

To give you an idea of what this means, a reading below ‘100’ is safe. Anything below ‘300’ is contaminated, while readings above ‘500’ are highly contaminated. We’re sure this reading is even higher among teenagers!

Interestingly, mobile phones belonging to women often show a much higher reading than those belonging to men. As women wear makeup, this is then transferred onto the phone through their hands or face.

Be sure to clean your phone every time you pick it up to stop any germs transferring from your hands. Like most phone manufacturers, we don’t recommend using alcohol-based wipes or cleaning products as these harsh chemicals can damage the surface of your phone. Instead, opt for an anti-bacterial product that uses harmless chemicals.

We have developed the Zoono range to provide an effective yet long-lasting barrier against a broad spectrum of pathogens for both surfaces and the skin.



Teaching children about bacteria and how viruses work can be a tricky task for parents. Firstly, how do you explain to a young child that something they can’t see, hear, smell or touch is there at all?

And secondly, how do you tell them about all these nasty germs without giving them sleepless nights

The answer is to make learning about bacteria fun! We’ve put together our favourite ideas that we hope will provide some inspiration and help keep your family protected.


This is a great visual way to show children the effect of soap on germs and can be done using items from your kitchen cupboard at home. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Grind black pepper into a shallow dish of water so it’s floating on the surface.
  2. Tell our child the pepper represents the nasty germs.
  3. Ask your child to dip their finger into the water and see what happens. The ‘germs’ – or particles of pepper – will stick to their finger.
  4. Next, ask your child to put their finger into some liquid soap and then try the experiment again.
  5. The ‘germs’ will move away from their finger!


Showing how quickly germs can spread onto surfaces and things we touch is another important lesson and one that can be demonstrated using flour, icing sugar or – if you’re feeling brave and don’t mind a bit of mess – glitter. Whatever your choice of substance, tell your child to imagine that it’s germs.

Ask your child to put their hand into the flour, icing sugar or glitter. Then, let them spend some time playing with their toys (plastic or wooden toys, like LEGO, work best for this) before they wash their hands.

After a few minutes, examine together how much of the ‘germs’ have transferred onto their toys. They’ll then be able to see just how quickly germs can spread onto different surfaces.


Singing a song while washing hands can help children time their handwashing activity and make sure they’re doing it for the full 20 seconds. It can also make it fun and seem much less like a chore.

Pick one of their favourites or a song they know well, for example singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice lasts the correct amount of time – or you could even come up with a little song and routine yourselves! As long as it lasts for 20 seconds and gives little hands a thorough clean, it’s up to you.

Follow NHS guidelines on the best way to wash your hands to make sure you’re not just rubbing your hands together; rub the back of hands and in between fingers and thumbs, under nails and wrists.

Another tip is to set an alarm to sound regularly throughout the day washing alarm! Choose a song that your child loves, for example, the Pepper Pig theme tune, and tell them when they hear the sound, it’s time for everyone to wash their hands. Your alarms can even be set to go off just before scheduled meal and snack times too.


This is another easy and cheap way to show the power of germs using just a potato and a few sealed plastic bags.

  • Peel a raw potato and cut it into two sections.
  • With the first section, pass it around your family – let anyone who hasn’t got freshly washed hands hold onto it for a few seconds, then place this section in a clear plastic bag and label it ‘dirty hands’.
  • Then ask everyone to wash their hands.
  • With the second section of potato, do the same again! This time, label the bag ‘clean hands’ as everyone who touched it had washed their hands beforehand.
  • Place both bags in a dark room or cupboard for a few days, then take them out and show your children the difference.

The potato in the bag labelled ‘dirty hands’ will have gone bad very quickly and will be much ‘ickier’ than the one that was touched with nice clean hands.


Incorporate learning about germs into your homeschooling lessons, you never know what you’ll also learn along the way too!

For younger children, arts and crafts can help them visualise germs. Use handprints on paper to create different types of germs or use play dough with earbuds stuck into it to give an accurate representation of what they look like under a microscope.

You can even name your pathogen family, for example, ‘Bob the bacteria’ or ‘Veronica the virus’!

Hang the decorative germs you’ve created above the sink or on the fridge to help remind them to spend time washing their hands throughout the day.

For older children, set them the challenge of writing a report all about bacteria, or ask them some key questions about bacteria and ask them to find out the answers. For example:

  • What are bacteria?
  • Are all bacteria bad for us?
  • Why do some bacteria make us feel poorly?
  • How long do bacteria live on surfaces?
  • What environment do bacteria love best?

If your children are old enough, you can even ask them some more complicated questions, such as:

  • What is the difference between bacteria and a virus?
  • What is a microorganism?
  • What is a pathogen and what are the five main types of pathogen?


“CHICAGO, Sept. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — United Airlines today announced that it is adding Zoono Microbe Shield, an EPA registered antimicrobial coating that forms a long-lasting bond with surfaces and inhibits the growth of microbes, to the airline’s already rigorous safety and cleaning procedures. United is currently applying the coating each week on more than 30 aircraft to seats, tray tables, armrests, overhead bins, lavatories and crew stations and expects to add this latest measure to its entire mainline and express fleet before the end of the year.
The antimicrobial coating, created by Zoono Group Limited, a New Zealand Company and distributed in the USA by MicroSonic Solutions, will serve as an added layer of protection that complements the airline’s existing, daily electrostatic spraying regimen before departing flights.

“This long-lasting, antimicrobial spray adds an extra level of protection on our aircraft to help better protect our employees and customers,” said Toby Enqvist, United’s Chief Customer Officer. “As part of our layered approach to safety, antimicrobials are an effective complement to our hospital-grade HEPA air filtration system, mandatory mask policy for customers and daily electrostatic spraying. We’ve overhauled our policies and procedures and continue to implement new, innovative solutions that deliver a safer onboard experience.”

The Zoono Microbe Shield works by bonding to surfaces and creating a protective layer that resembles microscopic pins once dry which rupture cell walls and membranes when microbes come in contact with them. The chemical is classified by the EPA as Category IV, which is the lowest level of toxicity. During an aircraft’s deep cleanings, United will use the NovaRover which is designed to apply a super fine mist of the antimicrobial that coats all surfaces in a 12-foot radius with a single spray. United will apply the antimicrobial to aircraft overnight every seven days using electrostatic sprayers to refresh and fortify the protective layer, while continuing to electrostatic spray disinfectant to the aircraft cabin before almost every departure.

For a video demonstration of the NovaRover click here.

“MicroSonic is proud to provide United with the most advanced application of antimicrobial protection for their aircraft,” said Nick Federico, MicroSonic’s President. “Our proprietary NovaRover system combined with Zoono Microbe Shield will deliver an additional effective layer of microbial protection, reassuring customers and crew that the environment inside United aircraft is more safe and clean.”

United is currently applying Zoono Microbe Shield on aircraft at Chicago O’Hare International Airport and expects to expand it to each of its six other hubs and approximately 200 U.S. airports where United aircraft remain overnight in the coming months. The airline plans to deploy NovaRovers at ten airports, including each of United’s seven hubs as well as Boston, Cleveland and Las Vegas.

United CleanPlusSM

United is focused on delivering a new level of cleanliness on the ground and in the air as part of its United CleanPlus program. In addition to the initiatives mentioned above, several of the airline’s precautionary measures to further ensure a cleaner environment include:

At Check-In

  • Implementing temperature checks for employees and flight attendants working at hubs and other airports throughout the airline’s system
  • Installing sneeze guards at check-in and gate podiums
  • Promoting social distancing with floor decals to help customers stand six feet apart
  • Becoming the first airline in the world to roll out touchless check-in capabilities for customers with bags

At the Gate

  • Disinfecting high-touch areas such as door handles, handrails, elevator buttons, telephones and computers
  • Providing hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to customers
  • Rolling out Clorox Total 360 Electrostatic Sprayers in select markets to disinfect gate areas at United’s hub airports
  • Enabling customers to self-scan boarding passes
  • Boarding fewer customers at a time and, after pre-boarding, boarding from the back of the plane to the front
  • Introduced real-time seat assignment update text and email notifications to further United’s touchless airport experience

On Board

  • Using electrostatic spraying to disinfect aircraft prior to flight
  • Running cabin air circulation system that circulates air through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters on all mainline aircraft from boarding through deplaning
  •  Using UV light to disinfect flight decks
  • Was the first U.S. airline to mandate masks for flight attendants, later following with all employees and customers
  • Disinfecting high-touch areas – such as tray tables and armrests – prior to boarding
  • Reducing contact between flight attendants and customers during snack and beverage service
  • Deplaning in groups of five rows at a time to reduce crowding
  • Providing onboard items including pillows and blankets upon request

About United

United’s shared purpose is “Connecting People. Uniting the World.” For more information, visit, follow @United on Twitter and Instagram or connect on Facebook. The common stock of United’s parent, United Airlines Holdings, Inc., is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol “UAL”.

About MicroSonic Solutions

MicroSonic Solutions offers comprehensive, proprietary antimicrobial solutions that are effective, fast, and fit into every cleaning protocol. We provide innovative spray technologies and antimicrobial chemistries to protect our customers from microbial threats. MicroSonic Solutions is headquartered in Burr Ridge, IL. Learn more at

SOURCE United Airlines

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